Friday, July 31, 2015

Conquerir L'esprit de L'envie

40 Jours de jeûne -Conquérir la convoitise (Pastor Gregory Toussaint_ Ta...

40 Jours de jeûne -Conquérir la convoitise (Pastor Gregory Toussaint_ Ta...

40-Day Fast - Conquérir les Maladies: Provision pour la Guérison

40-Day Fast - Conquérir les Maladies: Provision pour la Guérison

Impact Conférence 2015 : SION Domine - Pasteur Greg TOUSSAINT

Impact Conférence 2015 : SION Domine - Pasteur Greg TOUSSAINT

40 Jours de Jeûne-Conquerir L’amertume (Pastor Gregory Toussaint_ Tabern...

40 Jours de Jeûne-Conquerir L’amertume (Pastor Gregory Toussaint_ Tabern...

40-Day Fast - Conquering Sickness: Paralysis

40-Day Fast - Conquering Sickness: Paralysis

Pastor Benny Hinn invites to the 4-Day Mighty Conference "Conquering the...

Monday, July 6, 2015

I Can Only Imagine (with lyrics) - MercyMe

Power of Your Love


Here I am to Worship

All to Jesus I Surrender

You are My All in All

In Christ Alone

In the Garden

Bringing in the sheaves

Bringing in the sheaves

Bringing in the sheaves

Worthy is the Lamb - Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

Worthy is the Lamb - Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

Worthy is the Lamb - Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

There shall be showers of blessing

Just As I Am-Brian Doerksen

Just As I Am-Brian Doerksen

Nearer my God to thee

God Will Make a Way

Blessed Assurance - Tanica Campbell

Blessed Assurance - Tanica Campbell